Grilled Pork Chops
1. Turn on oven and grill as soon as arriving to kitchen.
2. Mark (pg 237, Gisslen, for marking procedure, keeping in mind that only marking, and finishing in oven) Pork Chop in diamond shapes on both sides.
3. Place in oven to finish to medium done...maybe 10 minutes?? Temperature should read about 120-130 for further cooking on plate to 150. Some slight pink should still be visable upon cutting open.
4. Select small sauce to finish.
Small Sauce = 1 qt. Demiglaze (the reduction of 1 qt. brown sauce and 1 qt. brown stock, reduce one half) with added reduction of choice.
5. Good choice of small sauce was Marsala: Not classical recipe but Chef Klaus recommends that a little shallot, wine reduction take place before adding demiglaze.
Kristen and Charlotte's Marsala Small Sauce: 1 Tbsp. shallots cooked briefly in butter; deglazed with Marsala wine; 1 C demiglaze added and reduced to correct consistency (not too runny, so as to remain under pork chop on plate); season with s/p to taste.
SOURCE: Chef Klaus Loos Class
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