The Most Unbelievable Vanilla Ice Cream
3 cups sugar
1/2 cup flour
4 cups milk
2 quarts heavy cream
8 eggs, slightly beaten
3 tablespoons vanilla
1 tablespoon almond flavoring
Combine sugar, flour and salt in a large saucepan; stir in milk. Cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat, until mixture thickens and bubbles one minute.
Stir half the hot mixture slowly into beaten eggs in a medium-size bowl; stir back into remaining mixture in saucepan (If you don't do this, you'll scramble the eggs). Cook, stirring, one minute.
Pour into a large bowl; stir in cream and vanilla and almond flavoring. Chill overnight.
Pour mixture into a 6+ quart freezer can; freeze following manufacturer's directions.
Serving Ideas : Delicious all on its own...very rich!NOTES : This is the ice cream we have made for years...I use to make it with all cream (half & half in place of milk). Believe me, you don't need it. This is incredibly creamy.
It has 323 calories in just a half cup with 66% from fat!!!
Holy Moses....
But you won't be able to eat any more than a half cup.
SOURCE: Char Zyskowski
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